Veritatis Gaudium

Veritatis Splendor vs. Amoris Laetitia

Pope John Paul II's inspiring encyclical on moral theology celebrates its 30th anniversary, but today many at the highest levels of the Church ignore or even reject its teachings. By Richard A. Spinello, Crisis, August 7, 2023 Pope John Paul II’s inspiring encyclical on moral... read more

A Three-day Meeting in Rome to Do What?

01/08/2019, Crisis Magazine FR. REGIS SCANLON, O.F.M. CAP Pope Francis will meet on February 21, 2019 with the bishops’ conferences of the world on protecting minors from clergy sexual abuse. But what is the problem they will be addressing? Is the problem pedophilia, homosexuality, or... read more

Pope in Education Document: ‘Faith, Reason Give Harmonious Witness to Truth’

Pope Francis releases Veritatis Gaudium on reforming the nature and curriculum of ecclesiastical universities and institutions. By Elise Harris/ Jan. 29, 2018 / CNA/EWTN News VATICAN CITY — On Monday Pope Francis released a new apostolic constitution calling for a “radical” reform to... read more