Liberal Cd. Rodriguez Maradiaga of Honduras Recants Statements Supporting Communion for Pro-Abortion ‘Catholic’ Politicians After Vatican Intervention

Something good and important happened today in the Church. Today we have an excellent example of the Vatican acting immediately regarding a scandalous statement made by Cardinal of Honduras, Cd. Rodriguez Maradiaga of Honduras. In an interview with CNN/Time magazine, Cd. Rodriguez Maradiaga contradicted the Church’s clear teaching that the ‘ministers of Holy Communion’ [bishops, priests and deacons] to deny the Eucharist to manifest sinners, such as pro-abortion persons. A liberal Cardinal of Honduras, Cd. Rodriguez Maradiaga of Honduras, one of the top 15 ‘contenders’ in 2005 consider ‘papabile’ for possible election to Papacy, has made several disturbing statements in the past on various subjects.