Obama TownHall On Health Was Staged — Obama MASS State Coodinator’s Daughter Tosses Softballs to Phoney-in-Chief

Cute little girl time! The optics couldn’t be any more starkly different from the devastating-for-Obama-and-his-lapdog-Dems-and-RINOs optics of millions of older Americans fearful of being put to sleep by the state just to save money, and of terrified parents with children in wheelchairs demanding proof that their beloved will not be left behind to suffer whilst the lucky chosen are taken care of. This is obviously a show… What did you expect the Obama Regime to do, allow ordinary, non-partisan Americans to ask him real questions, as opposed to giving him a pre-written opportunity to spew defamatory propaganda against them? Yeah, right, suuure. Obama’s handlers already saw what happens when ordinary Americans are allowed to ask real, legitimate questions of their very own at townhalls, so…