Czarist America: New “Diversity” Czar Sets Sights on Squashing Freedom of Speech

For those who are keeping tally, the Obama empire now has 32 czars. That figure includes Mark Lloyd, the Diversity Czar at the FCC – that’s diversity in broadcasting. Lloyd who comes from the Center for American Progress (CAP), concluded that talk radio is far too conservative, 91 percent he says, and wants to see that changed via public policy. Truth be told, America has more czars in eight short months than the Romanovs ran through in over 300 years of rule in Imperial Russia… Lloyd is willing to silence private communications companies – it’s really his goal – and make them pay homage to the CPB in the form of extortion. In his 2006 Prologue to a Farce: Communications and Democracy in America, Lloyd recommends that private broadcasters subsidize their own competition through fines, fees, and licensing requirements if their messages and programming do not conform politically to that of the federal government. So long freedom of speech!