Just when you thought the Sun-Times were the only sassy bigots in town, not to be outdone, it’s the Tribune’s turn to preach to Catholics.

Just when you thought the Sun-Times were the only sassy bigots in town, not to be outdone, it’s the Tribune’s turn to preach to Catholics. “Watching Mel Gibson cleverly build interest in his unreleased film on Christ’s execution is like watching an unwholesomely willful child playing with matches. The immediate temptation may be to let the little brat learn the lesson that burnt fingers will teach. That impulse, however, is quickly overcome — not only because no decent person stands idly by while pain is inflicted, but also because, if the kid starts a fire, other people may be hurt.” (CCI editors note: This story is so full of slander we have added several notes to correct the writer’s errors of fact.)