Honoring Evil

By Mike Fahy, May 4, 2018

The noise you will hear on Saturday will be your godless Democrat neighbors celebrating the 200th birthday of Karl Marx (born 5/5/1818 in Trier, Prussia; died 3/14/1883 in London, England). Social Justice workers of the world will be on the march to open America’s borders for the “redistribution of wealth” as Obama told us was needed to “fundamentally change America.” The oft heard slogan “From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs!” was popularized by Karl Marx in his 1875 Critique of the Gotha Program.

The highlight of Saturday’s worldwide celebration will be the unveiling in Trier of a gargantuan 18-foot-tall, 2.3-ton statue of burly Karl Marx. Oversized monuments are commonplace in Communist countries as symbolic of the greatness of the state over the insignificance of the individual. The statue is a gift to the German city of Trier from the Communist governmental tyranny of Red China, a major contributor to the 150,000,000+ murders committed in the name of Karl Marx.

On April 30, 2018 the New York Times published a laudatory article titled “Happy Birthday Karl Marx. You Were Right!” The N.Y. Times has a long history of fake news stories defending Marxism. E.g., giving Fidel Castro credibility as a freedom fighter in 1957, and denying the existence of Marxist butchery and starvation of ten million Ukrainians as their breadbasket lands were collectivized in the 1933 Holodomor.

Notably, the Eastern European nations who actually experienced the joys of Marxism have dotted their landscapes with bronze statues of anti-Communist Ronald Reagan, the Great Liberator.

Marxist politicos have ravished economies wherever Marxism has been implemented. Venezuela was among the wealthiest nations on Earth with a high standard of living until 1999 when the people elected a Communist who scrapped their Constitution and replaced their free market economy with socialist income redistribution and social justice programs. The result of Venezuelan Marxism is that many Venezuelans now either starve or eat rodents (dogs and cats have already been eaten).

On May 2, 2018 Hillary Clinton admitted that “41% of [Iowa] Democrats are socialists.” Probably double that percentage in New York and California. The brainwashed products of America’s unionized (blue fist) government schools are now infecting America’s Heartland. Weak-kneed RINOs cower afraid to remonstrate that socialism destroys wealth in the name of equality, and ultimately enriches only the corrupt politicos and their comrades in the Fourth Estate.

Karl Marx, you were wrong!

Over the years, Marxists have changed names as often as chameleons change colors. Communist, Progressive, Liberal, Socialist, Democrat, Marxist, Red Fist, Blue Fist are different colors for the same Marxist ideology written in Karl’s pamphlet The Communist Manifesto (1848), and three-volume Das Kapital: Volume I (1867), Volume II (1885), Volume III (1894). Capitalism is their demonizing word for free market economy. Socialism requires a large, intrusive government to stifle freedom. The one-percenters in socialist government control the wealth. Venezuelan one-percenters eat beef!