Can we keep ears from itching? Eco-spirituality and the search for mystery

The interest of Catholics – religious sisters and brothers, priests and laymen – in what is called “eco-spirituality” is a curious phenomenon. What has turned devotees of God’s Mother into worshippers of the Earth Mother? How did some Catholics go from adoring the Eucharist, the Body of Christ, to reverencing the universe as the Body of God? How did confessors of the transcendent but ever present Trinity become promoters of an immanent, “panentheistic” deity? In short, what turned educated, observant Catholics into bargain-basement Buddhists? One may, of course, chalk it all up to the mystery of infidelity, or to the spirit of novelty, the “itching ears” of those who “turn away from listening to the truth and wander into myths.” Such explanations are sound, as far as they go; but they do not go very far. For often (though not always) men gravitate toward errors on account of an incomplete comprehension of the truth. And they fail to comprehend the fullness of truth because the truth is not presented to them in its fullness.