The NAACP and Black Abortions: How is it that black leaders so aggressively support the accelerated abortion of the black population?

A fact sheet from the Guttmacher Institute puts it this way: “Black women are 4.8 times as likely as non-Hispanic white women to have an abortion.” The Centers for Disease Control further report what this means: While about one out of every five white pregnancies ends in abortion, it’s nearly one out of every two for African-Americans. The debate can get uncomfortable. Pro-lifers point to Planned Parenthood’s origins in the eugenics movement. Indeed, these unpleasant associations recently resurfaced after pro-life students at UCLA hired actors to call up Planned Parenthood clinics posing as donors. In one call, the actor expressed his dislike of affirmative action, and said that he just felt that “the less black kids out there, the better.” The woman responded, “understandable, understandable” and went on to say she was “excited” about the donation.