Good Friday: The World’s First Exorcism

St. Michael’s exorcism of heaven is witnessed in the 12th chapter of the Book of Revelation where he forcefully casts out the ravenous dragon from God’s realm, and his minions with him. The devil wanted to devour a new-born baby and deprive a woman of her motherhood – kind of like the abortion industry does today – but God would have nothing of it. Yet, Revelation also warns us of the consequences of that exorcism: “But woe to you, earth and sea, for the devil has come down upon you!” Woe, indeed. The devil must also be cast from the earth to the one place where he belongs, in the hell that God created for him and his angels, and this definitive exorcism of the earth was accomplished on Good Friday. Jesus exorcised the devil from our lives by the one and only force that has the power to separate man from the devil and cast him out: His own Precious Blood. One week before His death the Lord Himself solemnly proclaimed that He would apply His authority in this way…