Based on membership, Concerned Women for America is the nation’s largest public policy women’s organization.

Based on membership, Concerned Women for America is the nation’s largest public policy women’s organization. The recent Lawrence vs. Texas ruling by the Supreme Court will likely go down in history as the most obscene example of judicial over-reaching in the history of our country. Relying on the decades of precedent in mis-applying the 14th amendment to muscle radical social change that our assemblies and Congress (ie the people) have objected to, this decision demonstrates that we are no longer a nation of laws, but a nation literally ruled by 9 black robed judges dedicated to radically reshaping America into a secular and pagan culture. This ruling is clearly the line in the sand that has now been crossed, and begs the question, when will Christian Americans demand a ‘homeland’ where they are free to practice their religion without being forced to accept sodomy and social sickness as normal behavior?