One of the reasons liberal sops are able to gain currency for the idea of women priests is because faithful Catholics are not fully aware of the Catechism.

One of the reasons liberal sops are able to gain currency for the idea of women priests is because faithful Catholics are not fully aware of the Catechism. Next time you are confronted with the empty headed cliches that women priests are needed to solve the “shortage of priests” keep this short catechism in mind.

Will any of the arguments from the Catechism convince the feminists themselves that they are wrong? Definately not. Why not?

“Because they are based on Sacred Scripture and the Sacred Teaching of the Catholic Church established by Christ,” says Vennari. “Feminist “theologians” do not believe in the Divinity of Christ, nor in Sacred Scripture as the Word of God nor in an infallible Church instituted by Divine authority, nor, for that matter, in God “the Father.”

Vennari also notes that “one of the latest trends in inclusive language is to replace “In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost” with “In the name of the Creator, the Redeemer and the Sanctifier.” Some priests have Baptized using this inclusive language, thus nullifying the Sacrament and committing the mortal sin of sacrilege.”