Illinois Mom Files Title IX Lawsuit Targeting Trans Mob

CV NEWS FEED, March 21, 2023

An Illinois mom has filed a Title IX lawsuit after she and her 16-year-old daughter were doxxed and threatened for a now-viral Twitter post in which the mom announced her daughter no longer identified as “transgender.” 

Brette Smith, whose Twitter handle says she’s a former Democrat, wrote in September 2022 that her daughter Anna “left the cult” of gender identity after she “saw the truth.” 

“I didn’t affirm my daughter, I removed her from the contagion. Within months she pulled what I called a ‘sees and desist’ — she saw the truth and left the cult. Over a year later, she’s thriving more than she ever was when involved in the gender craze,” Smith wrote. 

“I didn’t affirm my daughter, I removed her from the contagion. Within months she pulled what I called a ‘sees and desist’ — she saw the truth and left the cult.

That original post, which has since been retweeted more than 18,000 times, set off a firestorm of criticism and threats against both mother and daughter, who told YouTube’s Benjamin Boyce that Illinois Child Protective Services even showed up at her door just days after she made the post. 

“It’s heartbreaking she has to face it. The death threats and harassment were truly vile. I couldn’t believe what I saw. All because she doesn’t want to gender pretend anymore,” wrote Smith in a follow-up post. 

Now, Smith has hired veteran counsel and former Department of Education lawyer Candace Jackson to file a Title IX discrimination suit against Anna’s high school.

“This is perhaps the first Title IX case of its kind — with supporting evidence that my child is being bullied by trans- and gender-divergent students on the basis of her desistance from a trans identity. If all identities are worth protecting, we hope to see the outcome that Title IX will protect a desisted student from transgender aggressors,” wrote Smith in a GiveSendGo crowd-funding post to support the lawsuit costs. 

According to Smith’s Twitter page, the lawsuit is in response to increased bullying, harassment, and intimidation against Anna since the start of the year. 

“Recently the harassment by her peers has escalated to anonymous messages of death threats and false accusations of racism and sexual assault. The harassment has been so severe that she has been unable to attend school since the first week of February 2023,” wrote Smith. 

Jackson, an open lesbian, is no stranger to high-profile cases and ongoing debates over Title IX law. As an attorney who served as Acting Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights and Deputy General Counsel in the US Department of Education from 2017 to 2021, she was responsible for drafting the first-ever regulations under Title IX addressing campus sexual harassment and assault. 

More recently, she has represented incarcerated women in California prisons in a lawsuit to overturn the 2021 law that allows male criminals to choose to be housed in women’s prisons based on “gender identity.”

Despite the threats, Anna says she is now comfortable in her biological sex. 

“It’s okay to be a feminine boy or a masculine girl. That doesn’t make you trans. Being a girl and liking boyish things doesn’t make you a boy – that’s just sexist stereotypes. You can be a woman who likes sports. You can be a woman who likes makeup and dresses. There are so many possibilities and I think it’s good to get my story out there to let people know that so they don’t go down the same path I did with all the gender stuff,” says Anna.

This article first appeared HERE.