Linda HarveyExclusive: Linda Harvey previews Valentine’s Day ‘LGBT’ conference

How will you celebrate Valentine’s Day? God is the author of love, and Scripture reveals some marvelous descriptions of both human and godly love.

But the contrast between God’s expressions of love and some in our secular culture could not be greater.

Many of you have seen the TV ad showing couples hugging and kissing behind a screen where they appear only in X-ray form. This campaign from Valentine’s Day last year continued into 2016.

When one couple emerges from behind the screen, the audience gasps to see two women. In the longer YouTube version, a small boy accompanies a male couple, presumably making them a “family.” The ad’s tag lines try to convince us that “love has no gender” and “love has no labels.”

Which makes some of us want to gag. These ads flagrantly celebrate sin interspersed with legitimate relationships, in the typical “LGBT” practice of using natural families and even impressionable children as human shields.

Because even if we accept the shallow premise that “love has no labels,” these folks don’t mean it. Christians sure do deserve labels, if you look at the ongoing attacks launched by the ad’s backers. It’s “hate, bigotry, discrimination” ad infinitum in Bias and Bullying 101, propagated by those masquerading as loving and accepting.

The ads are sponsored by the Ad Council but backed by radical groups including the Southern Poverty Law Center (the far-left group that labels my organization, the American Family Association, WND and many undeserving others as “hate” groups); the Human Rights Campaign; and even a group called Muslim Advocates. Corporations donating to this bilge include Proctor and Gamble, Allstate and Coca-Cola.

Are you buying this, that it doesn’t matter what form love takes? That’s what “LGBT” groups have been selling for years, the cultural deceit that many relationships one calls love can be justifiably sexualized. No caring person should object, it is claimed, and experimental forms deserve “equality” and even legitimacy as marriage.

The recklessness of such policies is obvious to many of you, I’m sure. Are there limits? How about adults and teens? How about siblings? Do these types of “love” deserve no labels?

Some, thank the Lord, are still illegal. Many would agree that some alleged forms of “love” are not viewed as such by all participants because they are based in exploitation, coercion and/or abuse.

In the minds of “LGBT” advocates, and especially if you observe the hardhearted, bullying behavior they initiate, no one should be allowed to object to relationship alternatives or else you may be stripped of your business, your job, your religious rights and your reputation.

There is often little “love” in the treatment Christians receive. People of faith don’t even deserve First Amendment religious rights, and many “gaystapo” groups are working diligently to eliminate this constitutional guarantee.

Even within some Christian congregations, the plastic forms of “love” (sin) are not just tolerated but celebrated by homosexuals and gender-benders who are being allowed to corrupt the Gospel message. The good news is there is some recent significant pushback.

The Episcopal Church USA has just been disaffiliated for three years from the Anglican Communion over the ECUSA’s embrace of homosexuality and same-sex “marriage.” It’s a very encouraging development, showing that authentic Christian doctrine is not dead in all corners of Christendom.

But what should draw parents nationwide to the streets in protest is the type of “love” being promoted to vulnerable minors by adults in positions of seeming credibility. And on Valentine’s Day weekend, no less.

The largest homosexual group in the country, the Human Rights Campaign, is sponsoring again this year a conference for teachers, youth counselors and youth themselves, February 12-14, near Dallas, Texas. Last year’s conference in Portland was radical enough. This year’s is even worse.

Called “Time to Thrive,” this presentation of legitimized sleaze is like so many aspects of the homosexual agenda directed to youth: The labels and terms are deceptive, because no child or teen will “thrive” if they embrace homosexuality or gender confusion.

Julie Quist writes about this conference in detail at

Many sessions heavily promote gender confusion. Why is this suddenly so high on the sexual revolutionary agenda? And one can only pray that justification of adult-child sex won’t be presented during a session called, “Intergenerational Queers: Creating Effective Youth-Adult Partnerships.” Really? Is this more depraved boundary-pushing, seeing how much damage to children can be advocated before the cops arrive?

And “health” is addressed at this conference, but as always in this crowd, it’s drenched with unfettered sex for minor children, hardly a healthy platform.

Early sex in any direction is apparently how youth will “thrive.” A session on “HIV, LGBTQ Sexuality, and Health” will cover this:

“LGBTQ youth face numerous issues in regards to sexuality – stigma, fear, HIV. How can we explore LGBTQ sexuality in a way that is sex-positive, protects against HIV, and values pleasure and intimacy? This session will discuss ways we can help young LGBTQ people feel empowered around their sexuality and prioritize sexual health while also understanding the sexuality is a key element of social justice.”

And youth from homosexual clubs (“gay-straight alliances”) will join the adults on Valentine’s Day ( Feb. 14) in a track for youth, “ages 13 to 22.”

What does a 22-year-old have in common with a 13-year-old? Little or nothing, especially not in a conference about deviant sexuality.

How can we protect America’s children from such cultural rot?

When homosexual advocates tell us “Love is Love” and other messages that claim compassion and “equality” but hide sin between the lines, make sure we educate our children to be discerning. The word of God tells us what love is, and that, not the self-indulgent messages of a wayward world, should be our final guide.

“Love is patient, love is kind. … Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth.” (1 Corinthians 13:4, 6)


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