Return to Jesus Christ to build the Church

“With fear it is not possible to love the world” Jesus will save his Church

Sunday reflection by José Antonio Pagola, April 20, 2017

What we are asked to do is to rekindle much more in every Church the confidence in the risen Jesus

Terrified by the execution of Jesus, the disciples take refuge in a house known. Again they are gathered, but Jesus is no longer with them. In the community there is a void that nobody can fill. They lack Jesus. Who will they follow now? What can you do without it? “It is evening” in Jerusalem and also in the heart of the disciples.

Inside the house are “with the doors closed”. It is a community without mission and without horizon , enclosed in itself, without capacity of reception. No one thinks of going out on the roads to announce the kingdom of God and heal life. With the doors closed, it is not possible to approach the suffering of the people.

The disciples are full of “fear of the Jews.” It is a community paralyzed by fear, in a defensive attitude. They only see hostility and rejection everywhere. With fear it is not possible to love the world as Jesus loved it or to instill in anyone any encouragement and hope.

Suddenly, the risen Jesus takes the initiative . He comes to rescue his followers. “Enter into the house and stand in the midst of them.” The small community begins to transform. From fear they pass to the peace infused by Jesus. From the darkness of the night they pass to the joy of seeing him again full of life. From the closed doors they will soon come to announce everywhere the Good News of Jesus.

Jesus speaks to them in the poor men of all their confidence : “As the Father has sent me, so I send you.” It does not tell them who to approach, what to announce or how to act. They have already been able to learn from him on the roads of Galilee. It will be in the world what he has been.

Jesus knows the fragility of his disciples . Many times he has criticized their small and hesitant faith. They need the strength of their Spirit to fulfill their mission. That is why he makes a special gesture with them. He does not impose his hands on them or bless them, as he does on the sick. Exhale their breath upon them and say, “Receive the Holy Spirit.”

Only Jesus will save his Church . He alone will free us from the fears that paralyze us, break the boring schemes in which we intend to lock it, open so many doors that we have been closing down over the centuries, straighten out so many paths that have diverted us from it.

What we are asked to do is to rekindle in every Church the confidence in the risen Jesus , to mobilize us to put Him without fear in the center of our parishes and communities, and to concentrate all our strength in listening well to what His Spirit is telling us today to his Followers.