Archbishop Burke says U.S. choosing to renounce ‘faithful foundation’; Slams Notre Dame for honoring pro-abortion Obama

Archbishop Raymond Burke, delivering an address to the National Catholic Prayer Breakfast in Washington, D.C. on Friday, said President Barack Obama’s pro-abortion policies have damaged the family and charged that Notre Dame’s invitation to the president was the source of “the greatest scandal… With unparalleled arrogance, our nation is choosing to renounce its foundation on the faithful,” he said, according to Fox News. He said several decisions of the Obama administration have damaged “the fundamental society that is the family,” Fox News reports. Among other actions, the archbishop cited the President’s repeal of the Mexico City Policy, which permits funding for organizations that promote or perform abortions overseas; the proposed repeal of conscience protections for pro-life medical workers; and support of the United Nations Population Fund, which supports China’s one-child policy.