Left-Wing Radicalism, Racketeering in the Church: CCHD and ACORN

While CCHD poses as a mainstream Christian charity trying to help the poor, it uses left-wing euphemisms in its mission statement. It seeks to address “the root causes of poverty in America through promotion and support of community-controlled, self-help organizations and through transformative education.” “Root causes of poverty” is Marxist-speak meaning “capitalism is bad.” Not surprisingly, rather than helping the poor, CCHD merely channels funds towards Alinsky-inspired poverty groups. Almost all of the grants CCHD has distributed over the years have gone to ACORN-like groups for political activities and community organizing — and many of those groups have been founded or are run by Catholic priests. Here are some select recipients of CCHD grants: Alinsky’s Industrial Areas Foundation, the mother of all community-organizing networks with dozens of affiliates nationwide (and affiliates in Canada, Germany, and the United Kingdom), has received plenty of money over the years from CCHD. Alinsky referred to its training institute as a “school for professional radicals.” Ex-seminarian Edward T. Chambers has run it since Alinsky’s death in 1972…